Would You Rather? Tenant Property Protection vs. Insurance plans
October 15, 2018

Who loves Insurance (besides Flo?) Selling tenant insurance is kind of a cringe moment for many managers. So much so that they may even gloss over it and just hand tenants the paper with a checkbox ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and not say a word. It’s not the selling point you’d hoped it would be, and […]

Tenant Property Protection Plan | Simplicity of the Sale
August 8, 2018

Protection Plan vs. Insurance When people rent a storage unit they are usually there due to a life changing event. A death, a new house, a new job, wherever they are. So they can be very stressed out when they get to your Self-Storage facility. So when a manager is talking to them about rules […]

Protection Pete’s mission: Protect owners, operators, managers, and tenants from misleading omitted facts, and lies tenant “insurance” providers may use!
Protection Pete Has a Home!
September 28, 2017

Protection Pete Has a Home! After months of people asking, ‘Why doesn’t Protection Pete have his own website?’, he finally does!  www.protectionpete.com   Pete is a Hit! Since day one of Pete’s debut on Tenant Property Protection’s point of sale materials, owners, managers and even some tenants have heaped praise on him. His clean, colorful countertop brochures […]