December 4, 2023

The Advantages of Self-Storage During the Holidays

The practical applications of self-storage by tenants are just as varied as the tenants themselves. As you own and operate a storage facility, you serve a myriad of customers needing to store: families storing furniture during a downsize, avid collectors keeping mementos safe, car enthusiasts who keep their hotrod parked to tinker with, or customers staying ahead of the task of moving.

With so many reasons to use self-storage, you can open up your business to different streams of revenue through careful consideration and creative applications. There are plenty of reasons to use self-storage at any other time of year, but there are some clever ways to utilize it during the holiday season that customers can jump on at your facility. Consider marketing your facility to customers who need storage during the busy seasons. Here are some ideas.

Destress and Declutter
Over the year, your tenants have collected possessions that need to be sorted through to make way for gifts and guests. But it is also the perfect time to get a head start on spring cleaning. Decluttering does not mean your tenants have to get rid of the belongings they hold most dear, but rather, your facility is the perfect place for them to find compromise.

Clearing out clutter and organizing the home is the ideal time to use self-storage. Not only can it help tenants tidy up and categorize, but it can also provide peace of mind knowing their belongings are out of sight and out of mind.

Make Room for Guests
The holiday season comes with holiday breaks and times for families to come together and celebrate. Your tenants need a safe place to store their belongings temporarily to make room at home. Storage can hold onto bulky items, such as furniture, for as little or as long as your tenants need, giving them the breathing room that is in such short supply over the holidays.

Market your services and include ways in which your tenants can use a storage unit as their destination for holiday makeovers. It is also a great place to get away, if just for a few hours, during times of overwhelm.

Hide Presents
Parents of resourceful children already know about upping the ante for hiding holiday gifts. Let your tenants take gift-giving to the next level by planting the idea of hiding presents in their storage units. Storage units are perfect for not only big items like bikes and scooters but also smaller items that you can stack on shelves and keep tucked away until the time is right. Your tenants can take advantage of extended access hours and specialty specifications on the storage units, such as climate control.

Host Your Own Community Events
As a storage facility operator, there are a few ways you can get involved over the holiday season that will not only cement your place in the community but will lay the foundation of future business for years to come. Host charity events at your facility: toy drives, car washes, donation drives, and anything else you can come up with. Get involved in the active parts of your local community to help uplift your town and the people in it. By getting involved, you are invigorating the residents in your area while creating your company as a community fixture that is caring and reliable.

During the busy holiday season, it can be easy to forget about coverage, but it is an important part of self-storage. At Tenant Property Protection®, we know some homeowners insurance providers don’t cover items off premises and stored in a storage unit. Those that do, have limited liability for personal property and won’t provide a guarantee for replacement costs if your belongings are stolen or damaged.

With a Property Protection Plan from Tenant Property Protection®, tenants can enjoy more flexibility and peace of mind knowing that their precious possessions are protected, cleaned, repaired or replaced in the event of an unfortunate incident. And you will rest easy knowing your tenants are secure while generating more revenue for your business. Start the holidays right and get in touch with us today to get started!