When an owner chooses to offer TPP, we say ‘earn as much as you want’ and we mean it. The owner benefits of selling TPP are nearly as good as the Tenant benefits (A lot to live up to if we do say so ourselves). The bottom line is, it’s still marketing and advertising product and selling it. But there are four main reasons to put that beautiful mahogany cardstock on your counter.
With various ways of selling Tenant Property Protection plans it really boils down to not if you want it to make you money but how much. The ‘Lease Compliance’ option means your tenants are required to show proof of coverage from a current policy such as homeowner’s insurance -or- purchase a Protection Plan from TPP through you. There are no sales skills necessary, and you can give them various price points depending on how high their property value is.
We also make it a natural talking point with potential tenants by providing ‘Point of Sale’ materials that are beautiful and high quality (just compare our POS materials when you check out our booth at the ISS World Expo, and you’ll see what we mean).
Your tenants have a sentimental and financial value attached to the property they store at your facility. It’s important to them, or they wouldn’t be holding on to it. When you offer TPP, you’re offering to protect that property. That means you care about them. They don’t have to deal with insurance claims taking months (or years) to be processed. Tenants get the full replacement cost, not just ‘depreciated value’. They know you care enough to put them in good hands.
While each of the reasons above are good reasons to have our protection plan, having both reasons is even better! We combine quality service, quality protection, and quality marketing with your quality facility. Combining protection and care for your tenants with the monetary incentive for you means everyone reaps the benefits.
A negative review in the pre-social media era meant one person might tell all 10 of their local friends about their bad experience. A negative review online today could mean thousands of hits on a rant that paints your Facility in the most negative light possible. Having TPP doesn’t guarantee you’ll always get good reviews. But when a bad situation happens, your tenants’ claims are settled fast (typically around 72 hours), they’ll know exactly what’s covered, and get full replacement value. There won’t be any run-around with ‘other insurance’ or delay for no apparent reason. What that means for you is that you get to be the hero in a tough time instead of seeming like a greedy company looking to make money on someone else’s pain.
Again: Having your Tenant’s property protected by TPP shows you care. Your tenants will thank you should worse come to worst. Crooked insurance companies use your tenants for profit, and can ruin your reputation. See TPP focuses on making sure our product is a win-win-win. You win when you earn an extra profit, your tenants win when they realize how well their property has been protected, and we win because we get to do business with so many wonderful people.
Well, the big deal is: What if you have a significant fire loss at a location or other catastrophe? You could be looking at several million dollars of exposure to those facilities. With a TPP plan, the protection you promised will be the protection your tenants get! Your tenants’ property is protected, and we get as close as possible to our 72-hour processing goal. And we cover what we say we will, and we say what we’ll cover. We also approach marketing from a sales perspective, we know what tenants are concerned about, and we make sure to address them before the tenant even knows they’re concerned. All your managers need to do is know the answers (which we provide) to the questions new tenants may ask. We even offer online training to make this easier.
The big deal is, we make sales no-big-deal for your managers to handle and we back up our marketing statements with actual dollars. When a claim is filed, your tenants are covered, and you’re the hero.