September 13, 2017

Response After Harvey And Irma

Response To Our Self-Storage Friends After Harvey And Irma


“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time,

and always start with the person nearest you”…

“The greatest good is what we do for one another.” Mother Teresa


What response will you make in good times and bad times as a self-storage owner/operator according to the numbers?


There are times when numbers help us to assess the health and well-being of our self-storage businesses. And whether you are an owner, operator, manager, or vendor, the numbers shared by Inside Self Storage in their latest article gave us all pause to think through some recent events created by Harvey and now Irma.

Response of palms in a hurricane-force storm.

Self-Storage Businesses Impacted, Rally in Wake of Hurricane Harvey* was a stark reminder of the numbers that deserve a response to the damage and suffering of those we know and share our industry in some capacity. And the team at Tenant Property Protection knows that our ability to be physically there is limited. That is why we appreciate the “boots on the ground” approach of the Texas Self-Storage Association and the Florida Self Storage Association.


As stated in the source article, these numbers impact many of our partners and friends just in Texas:Response needed to flooded roadways after a hurricane.

  • Over 20 trillion gallons caused by over 8 inches rainfall (estimated).
  • $125 billion (estimated) of federal relief needed in the affected area.
  • 80% of Texans without flood insurance.
  • 185,149: Homes estimated to be damaged or destroyed by Harvey.
  • 364,000: People who have registered for assistance with FEMA.
  • Numerous Self-Storage facilities and families affected! Many of the staffs have themselves experienced flooding, displacement, and need for assistance.


In response to our friends and families of the Texas and Florida self-storage industry markets, Tenant Property Protection is responding. TPP has contacted Executive Directors Ginny Sutton of the Texas Self-Storage Association and Lorna M. Bolduc of the Florida Self-Storage Association to offer $5,000 assistance. This donation is to provide help to those self-storage operators whose families are in need of personal incidentals to help get through the rebuilding from this terrible disaster.


Many are providing other avenues of support. However, at TPP, we encourage and remind ALL to take the time and effort to contribute something to those in need no matter how large or small a donation. As the old saying goes, “Many hands lighten the load”!


The question then is: “What is your response to our friends in need?” Let’s all do our part to respond to this great appeal!


*Thank you, Tony Jones, for this great article and summary. See source article at